Journalism Minor

Develop the skills in journalism you will need to effectively contribute to society as an informed citizen.

At Park University, our Minor in Journalism program is designed to prepare students to pursue their interests in the field of journalism. While studying journalism, students will learn to think, to lead, to innovate, to appreciate, to criticize and to develop a deeper sense of what it is to be a citizen of the world and the community.

Locations & Learning Options

As a student in our Minor in Journalism program, you’ll be required to take face-to-face classes at our Parkville, Missouri campus. This minor requires a total of 24 completed credit hours, and students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Refer to your catalog for a complete listing of coursework for this degree.


  • Parkville

Dr. Tim Westcott

Dr. Timothy Charles Westcott

Chair, Department of Culture & Society
Professor of History

Dr. Mark Noe

Program Coordinator, Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations
Professor of Communication

Learn what it takes to be a journalist through study and real-world practice.

Our goal is to help you achieve your professional goals during your academic journey at Park University. Students who pursue a Minor in Journalism take courses in topics such as the fundamentals of writing for media, digital skills for media, global and civic reporting, and advanced multimedia production. Students will have the opportunity to showcase their work through a completed senior portfolio prior to graduation.


Our programs will prepare you for a career as a:

  • News Editor
  • Reporter
  • Communications Specialist
  • Web Content Writer
student in dorm
student with camera on tripod

Program Highlights

Students who pursue a Minor in Journalism at Park University study in an environment that combines hands-on learning with academic knowledge. In addition to classroom learning, you will have the opportunity to gain real-world experience in the field. You may write, design, edit or photograph for the student newspaper, The Stylus, or pursue a journalism internship while enrolled in this program.

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Park University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Park University is a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.